Monday, October 5, 2009

What's Wrong? Nothing.

Kenny Rogers would not be pleased. We sat at the table. And we counted. I'm not proud of it, but it's the truth.

In my defense, we did so for a reason. My husband and I have been working at breakneck speed for nearly all the year, something that is not uncommon in real estate. The uncommon part is the income - or more to the point - the lack of it. We had to figure out where it was and why we weren't feeling it. Nothing wrong with that, right?

As a matter of principle, we never count pending transactions. Corny as it may sound, my husband and I have stayed in this business because we love it. And as long as we can earn a sufficient living to care for our children and keep a decent home, we're in it to stay. Never has this commitment been more tested, however, than in the last two years, when the love has not felt very mutual.

Last year, we were fortunate enough to have success both in earning a comfortable income and in establishing market share in our area. Nothing wrong with that, right? It was, then, an ironic twist to find that even with all our success, we were still digging out of a pretty deep tunnel. Success, like beauty in the eye of the beholder, was starting to look like the cousin with the great personality your best friend wants you to meet. There were days, to be sure, we felt like folding our hands and walking away.

But we've stuck with it and this year we have had terrific success securing listings, preparing presentations, and working with clients willing and able to buy in the appropriate inventory slot. We have carried out an aggressive marketing campaign, continued to establish a brand identity, and networked ourselves to near-stupor. It has all paid off. Our annual business plan targeted a 'closed' dollar amount which we are on course to achieve. Picture an arrow pointed directly at a target, with a flawless trajectory and impeccable form. Nothing wrong with that, right? Now picture it frozen in mid-air. That's us. (I use the arrow analogy because it makes us seem sleek and forceful, but most days the real visual that comes to my mind is Wile E. Coyote as he charges off a cliff and halts mid-air before plummeting to a painful - if never fatal - end.)

We have had the same transactions in the pipeline for several months, without movement. In a Groundhog Day extraordinaire we seem to repeat the same motions over and over without effect. Its positively maddening! So as we approached the final quarter of the year without having met our mark, even though we knew we were on track, we had to do a quick review to determine what was going on.

As it turns out, the money's there. We're just sitting on it.

Say what you want to say about all the reasons that's the case, and I've got plenty to say, at least we know something's coming. Knowing that provides a salve for the psyche. And that's important for those of us embroiled in the hard work of digging through the rubble of the real estate boon, finding survivors, and laying to a respectful rest those who did not make it. We must periodically take stock of the good we do, the good we have in our paths ahead, and the good that will come when our work is done. Otherwise, the whole exercise takes on an air of futility that can be difficult to overcome.

For today, we have done just that. With renewed vigor and determination we forge ahead. And with deference to our friend Kenny, we'll just say we were counting blessings. Nothing wrong with that.

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